North East Chiropractor | Dr. Blackiston
Quality Chiropractic Care For North East

North East Chiropractor,
Dr. Heather Blackiston
“For years I suffered with chronic sinus infections. I would be on antibiotics for four months every winter. I even had surgery for a deviated septum. None of it helped. Until I started chiropractic care. I no longer suffer from chronic sinus infections.”
“The summer of my freshman year in college, I needed a summer job. My mother had just started seeing a chiropractor and they needed a receptionist. I got the job and the chiropractor said ‘I treat the staff as a courtesy because I want you all to be well.’ I was a skeptic, I have to admit. It took a little while before I learned about chiropractic and how much it helped people get relief and stay healthy. She started treating me and immediately I saw results. No more neck pain. Relief from sinus headaches. No more sinus infections. Aid in healing a sprained ankle. Care after a neck injury from a diving accident. I continued to work in that office for the remaining three years of my undergraduate work at the University of Delaware. And it was in that time that I decided this was a great career. The benefits of chiropractic care blew me away.”
Dr. Blackiston received a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Delaware. She then continued on to earn her Doctor of Chiropractic degree at New York Chiropractic College, in Seneca Falls, NY. She followed that by completing another three years of study and passed the Boards to receive her Diplomate in Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics, DICCP. She is also Advanced Rated in the Activator Technique.
“I especially enjoy family wellness care. Many times I will start seeing a patient for neck or back pain, and then they will learn the benefits of wellness care and continue their treatment. They see how chiropractic can help their spouse, their child, their parent, their sibling, and next thing you know we are treating the whole family! We’ll treat a woman for back pain, later she’ll get pregnant, we’ll treat her through her pregnancy, and then we’ll treat her newborn! It’s great to share the benefits of chiropractic care with the whole family! ”
Thank you for visiting our site. We look forward to meeting you in person and learning how we may be of service to you. If you have any questions, please give our office a call or send me an email.
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